Sleep stimulating productivity
American people call it “catnapping”. In Indonesian it is called “sleeping poultry/Tidur Ayam”. For human being it is the time when she/he falls asleep intermittently. It is most enjoyable when done during the official office hours. According the definition, the duration must be short, say, a half of hour, a quarter of hour or even 5 minutes only.
Many experienced performers can be “vanished” effectively for exactly 60 seconds, and then wake up with fresh feeling. It is as if such falling asleep process is the antidote. It is noteworthy that such kind of sleep contains an extraordinary meaning, what trivial the feeling. Catnapping is so different, for example, from the longer-duration and habitual sleep. The sleep with one or two hours duration in the afternoon called “afternoon sleep” or “sieasta” according to the Mexican, is very different from this kind of sleep, catnapping have no rule.
The talented adherents can utilize immediately all opportunities and find the place anywhere to lie on or to sit down, or at least to be able to bow his/her head and immediately enter the God of Sleep kingdom.
For the beginner it is not so easy to do it. Catnapping need a certain skill coupled with the “ignorant” property deriving from the fully belief that it is not a sin. It even does not break the courtesy.
For this sleeping style, a capability of switching quickly from the waking up condition to the sleeping one is also required. And otherwise, the performer will not become “nervous” or loss balance, moreover looks tangled. The animal practices it, so do the young children, so that it may be something material. For adult losing or forgetting his skill of doing it, can quickly retrieve it, as long as he/she is willing to learn it. The techniques of mastering it get their meaning only in the wider context than its actual objective. Here before you can utilize the short term sleeping method, you should identify a little about the beautiful reward of a good short sleeping, for example, the practical problem from catnapping in the afternoon, the choice between Catnapping doing straightforwardly or disguisedly, and also about the presumption on the catnapping art that make you cannot sleep, how tired your are. This presumption should be abandoned. In other way, establishing the appropriate attitude is very essential for the beginner.
First of all, you should know that today (in this high technology age) there has not been an in-depth research about this type of sleep, so that it is difficult to obtain the actual secrete.
Or as mentioned by dr. Charles Fisher, a leading psychoanalyst pioneering many researches on sleep: “We still do not know why sleep can proceed very shortly, ranging from 10 to one minutes, can make many people refresh. There are clearly muscles loosing. Anything else? There may be the consciously thinking process stopped by it and this method removes anxiety. Or as have been found, sleep without dreaming helps the mechanism the function of which is to solve the problem. We had not recognized it. There is a large number of information about this deriving from the investigation on the other hand, the larger the number of information about this phenomenon, the larger is the number of material about sleep.
Suppose that Catnapping is a “trick”, such as swimming, riding bicycle or kiting, except if catnapping is the trick much more important than the other three examples. Catnapping can become the life safeguard because it can reduce stress, by becoming the “distributor” when you feel very sluggish or if the problem cannot apparently be solved anymore.
Do you remember that you make the last wrong decision because you are too tired? Is it necessary to occur? Most decision can be regressed for 20 or 30 minutes, the larger time opportunity to sleep intermittently. The need for “thinking” it as soon as possible means that the thinking process frequently functions better when we are in sleep condition than in waking up condition.
Furthermore, Dr. Fisher says that many Nobel Prizes are achieved owing to the Catnapping. He also says that many important ideas deriving from the dream or thinking activity during catnapping.
The most leading example is the case of a chemistry expert named Kekule. He dreams about a snake biting its own tail, so that its body forms a circle. It will immediately give him an idea about atomic structure in the closed circle form and resulting in a principle called “benzene ring” in organic chemistry.
Catnapping brings about the thinking clarity, provides 1001 alternatives of solution for problems, does not need extra fee or produce side effect, compared with all types of sedatives, muscles loosening medicines to alcohol. The satisfaction obtained from Catnapping is frequently more important than the argument that this action is inappropriate.
The experienced catnapping addict can be sunk in the slumber quickly in any position, whether lying down or sitting down uprightly, in light, crowded room and saw by many people.
This catnapping technique is very important for those who very busy and need sleep time while undertaking their task and obligation.
Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelet, the wife of former US American, Roosevelet, for example, is famous for its extraordinarily dense daily schedule. Mrs. Roosevelt may be called as the expert of catnapping. She can fall asleep in one minute while sitting down on the dinning table in a reception, and during attending the lectures, and she always wakes in the critical time before introduced to the attendee. Her greatest achievement is to fall asleep in the lift – say between the 30th story and the ground floor of a skyscraper building.
But, you will find difficulty to fall asleep like this, if under your consciousness there are voices stating that you are guilty if doing it when the whole word should wake up officially.
For example, a general argument that is later wrong states that afternoon sleeping disturbs the health night sleeping. If it does so, the cause is the idea that afternoon sleep is wrong. The afternoon sleep is not an sich, because people tends to have conservative and rigid perspectives on sleep. It is as if a type of commodity likes money or time. When the universe formed, human being was as if given quota to sleep for any hours in the night. Then, if the too tired people uses up a little proportion of that quota in the afternoon, he should pay that mistake by not sleeping at night. It is an argument that can be ensured will result in insomnia that having no strong foundation. Exhausting the sleep time does not reduce the sleep “stock”, it even increases it.
Other presumption of the afternoon sleep derives from the assumption that it is the bad habit that is inappropriate to do by people who just recover from diseases, pensions, film actress (called beauty naps in America), astronaut (who can be waken up any time by the surveillance station in the earth) and those who are not bound with our day work culture.
Nevertheless, almost all people do it silently. Catnapping is not wasting valuable time. But it saves time, because your task and work will be better and smooth, after your wake up, in other words, your productivity will increase. Moreover, with such life rhythm, how can the people not do that?
Then what is the technique to learn and master Catnapping.
You can choose the following technique. Choose after having meal, when the stomach is satisfied, it will generate sleep. Lie down, anywhere. You can also do it in the floor and use any thing proper as the pillow. If you are the beginner, open your shoes, loose your belt and other too tight part. In addition, you should not put off your clothes.
In order to give realistic circumstance in this exercise, do not turn off the lamp. Learn to use your eyelid as the total screen. Pay attention to the clock. It is very important, because in this way you as if make a promise to your self. With your closed eyelid now, never tries forgetting the problems pursuing you. What you should do is only to loosen your problem. Now imagine that you stop your self; as if you cease the film show to be continued a half of hour later. Instill in your self that you do not stop working for a day or a week but only a second. Assume that in your body there is a button showing “on”. At that time you turn the button to the “off” and then loosen all parts of body and concentrate on the respiration. After a moment, you can imagine black velvet sometimes; black velvet blanketing yourself. Now you had fallen asleep.
When you had mastered this technique and enjoyed the advantage, try to teach other.
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