Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011

Obat Sakit Gigi Tanpa Kambuh Lagi

GIGI perlu dipertahankan jangan sampai tanggal dari tempatnya, bila perlu gigi yang berlubang ditambal agar rapat kembali. Namun apa daya kita terkadang tidak tahan menderita sakit karenanya, sehingga kita rela ompong (alias minta tolong pada ahlinya untuk mencabutnya saja).

Sakit gigi disebabkan oleh lapisan email gigi menipis yang menyebabkan gigi menjadi peka terhadap perubahan suhu makanan atau minuman yang tidak sesuai dengan suhu tubuh. Sakit gigi timbul secara terus-menerus atau hanya terasa ngilu dan sakit ketika meminum atau makan sesuatu yang peka, seperti sangat dingin, panas, atau sangat manis. Sakit gigi dapat juga terjadi karena adanya lubang pada gigi, sehingga saraf gigi menjadi rusak yang kemudian menimbulkan rasa sakit yang terus menerus.

Sakit gigi memang amat menyiksa bahkan sampai kita merasa meriang (tidak enak badan). Untuk mengurangi penderitaan seperti tersebut di atas, dan tidak akan kambuh lagi, anda bisa mencoba resep tradisional dari nenek moyang kita ini.

Bahan dan cara pembuatan :
Jahe 2 ons, cuci sampai bersih, setelah dicuci dikupas kulitnya.
Jahe yang telah dikupas kulitnya dicuci lagi, kemudian diparut/ blender.
Parutan jahe kemudian diperas diambil airnya kira-kira menjadi setengah cangkir kecil.
Setelah menjadi cairan air jahe, lalu disaring menggunakan saringan yang sangat halus. Bisa menggunakan kain bersih yg berpori-pori halus.

Pemakaian :
Pertama : Masukkan cairan parutan jahe yang sudah disaring sampai halus tanpa ampas ke telinga disebelah mana gigi anda yang merasa sakit. Setelah bener-benar masuk sampai penuh kemudian keluarkan kembali.
Kedua : Masukkan cairan parutan jahe yang sudah disaring sampai halus tanpa ampas ke telinga satunya dimana tidak ada gigi yang merasa sakit. Setelah bener-benar masuk kemudian keluarkan kembali (sama persis pada pemakaian pertama)

Catatan :
Memasukan cairan jahe adalah seperti kita memasukan air tawar ke dalam telinga pada saat kita ingin mengeluarkan air dikala berenang telinga kita kemasukan air. Kadang-kadang berbunyi cres..ces..ces.
Segera cuci pipi anda yang kena lelehan cairan air jahe karena terasa hangat.
Lubang telingan yang terkena cairan air jahe tidak usah dibersihkan karena hanya terasa hangat saja.
Pengobatan dilakukan hanya 1 kali saja anda sudah sembuh.

JAHE adalah rempah-rempah yang banyak digunakan oleh masyarakat di seluruh dunia. Tanaman ini selain digunakan sebagai bumbu dapur juga berkhasiat sebagai obat. Ciri khas jahe terdapat pada aroma dan rasanya yang tajam. Aroma pada jahe disebabkan oleh adanya minyak atsiri terutama golongan seskuiterpenoid sebanyak lebih dari 3 %. Sedangkan rasa yang pedas disebabkan oleh adanya senyawa gingerol dan shogaol. Di Indonesia, jahe diracik menjadi suatu minuman penghangat badan yang dikenal dengan nama wedang jahe. Minuman ini sangat bermanfaat untuk mengusir dingin terutama bagi mereka yang tinggal di daerah pegunungan.

Zingiberis officinale, nama latin tanaman jahe merupakan tanaman yang tumbuh tegak dan merumpun dengan tinggi mencapai 30 cm – 1m. Jahe biasanya ditanam pada dataran rendah sampai dataran tinggi (daerah subtropis dan tropis) pada ketinggian 1500 m di atas permukaan laut. Menurut Farmakope Belanda, Zingiber rhizoma (rimpang jahe) yang berupa umbi Zingiber officinale mengandung 6% bahan obat-obatan yang sering dipakai sebagai rumusan obat-obatan atau sebagai obat resmi di 23 negara. Menurut daftar prioritas WHO, jahe merupakan tanaman obat-obatan yang paling banyak dipakai di dunia.

Terdapat tiga jenis jahe yang popular di pasaran yaitu jahe gajah, jahe kuning dan jahe merah. Jahe gajah merupakan jahe yang paling disukai di pasaran internasional. Bentuknya besar gemuk dan rasanya tidak terlalu pedas. Daging rimpang berwarna kuning hingga putih. Jahe kuning merupakan jahe yang banyak dipakai sebagai bumbu masakan, terutama untuk konsumsi lokal. Rasa dan aromanya cukup tajam. Ukuran rimpang sedang dan berwarna kuning. Jahe merah merupakan jahe yang sering digunakan sebagai bahan dasar jamu karena kandungan minyak atsirinya tinggi dan rasanya paling pedas. Ukuran rimpangnya kecil berwarna merah, dengan serat lebih besar dibanding jahe biasa.

Secara empiris, jahe diketahui berkhasiat merangsang kelenjar pencernaan sehingga baik untuk membangkitkan nafsu makan. Minyak jahe yang berisi gingerol, berkhasiat mencegah dan mengobati mual dan muntah. Jahe segar yang ditumbuk halus juga dapat digunakan sebagai obat luar untuk mengatasi mulas. Beberapa khasiat jahe juga telah dibuktikan secara ilmiah melalui penelitian di laboratorium. Gingerol pada jahe bersifat antikoagulan, yaitu mencegah penggumpalan darah. Jadi mencegah tersumbatnya pembuluh darah, penyebab utama stroke dan serangan jantung. Jahe dapat mencegah mual melalui proses blokade serotonin, yaitu senyawa kimia yang dapat menyebabkan perut berkontraksi, sehingga timbul rasa mual.

Tidak hanya itu, jahe ternyata berkhasiat sebagai antibakteri. Bakteri Escherichia coli dan Bacillus subtilis yang bersifat patogen terhadap saluran pencernaan manusia dapat dihambat pertumbuhan koloninya dengan ekstrak jahe. Namun ekstrak jahe lebih aktif menghambat pertumbuhan koloni bakteri B.subtilis dibandingkan dengan bakteri E.coli (Nursal, 2006). Bakteri E.coli dapat menyebabkan gastroentritis pada manusia, sedangkan B.subtilis dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada makanan kaleng yang juga dapat menyebabkan gastroentritis pada manusia yang mengkonsumsinya.

Jenis bakteri patogen lain yang dapat dihambat pertumbuhannya adalah bakteri penyebab tuberkulosis, bakteri periodontal yang menyebabkan periodontitis, dan bakteri yang menyerang saluran pernafasan. Ekstrak etanol rimpang jahe merah menunjukkan aktivitas antituberkulosis terhadap M.tuberkulosis galur H37Rv, Labkes-232, dan Labkes-450 masing-masing pada minggu ke-2,2 dan 3 (Neng, 2006). Melalui metode tertentu pada uji penapisan antibakteri, kita dapat mengetahui pada minggu keberapa aktivitas penghambatan pertumbuhan koloni bakteri terjadi. Ekstrak rimpang jahe dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri Gram positif dan Gram negatif seperti bakteri yang menyerang saluran pernafasan, di antaranya Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus pneumoniae dan Haemophilus influenzae (Akoachere et.al, 2002). [10]-gingerol dan [12]-gingerol, yaitu senyawa yang berhasil diisolasi dari rimpang jahe menunjukkan aktivitas antibakteri yang kuat secara in vitro melawan bakteri anaerob yang menyebabkan periodontitis pada rongga mulut manusia (Park, 2008).

Referensi :

Fisheri, Neng, 2006, Uji Aktivitas Ekstrak Etanol dan Fraksi Rimpang Jahe Merah (Zingiber officinale Rosc. Var. Sunti. Val.) Terhadap Mycobacterium tubeculosis Galur H37Rv, Galur Labkes-232, Galur Labkes-450, Beberapa Bakteri Lain, dan Jamur, Sekolah Farmasi ITB.

Park, Miri, 2008, Antibacterial Activity of [10]-Gingerol and [12]-Gingerol isolated from Ginger Rhizome Against Periodontal Bacteria, Phytother. Res. 22, 1446–1449.

Akoachere, 2002, Antibacterial Effect of Zingiber officinale and Garcinia kola on Respiratory Tract pathogens, East African Medical Journal, 79(11):588-92.

Kamis, 27 Januari 2011


Statistik nonparametrik sebenarnya merupakan sisi yang lain dari statistik induktif (inferensial). Untuk uji statistik yang tidak memerlukan anggapan-anggapan tertentu perihal distribusi populasinya, kita tidak dapat menerapkan uji parametrik seperti yang ada dalam statistik induktif pada umumnya tetapi harus dipergunakan pendekatan dengan uji nonparametrik atau uji bebas sebaran.

Dalam tulisan ini akan dijelaskan pedoman umum memilih alat statistik nonparametrik untuk penelitian, beberapa kkeuntungan dan kelemahan dari penggunaan metode statistik nonparametrik. Disamping itu juga akan diberikan beberapa contoh penerapan statistik nonparametrik menggunakan SPSS. Baca lebih lanjut...


Kamis, 11 November 2010


Sebelum data dianalisis menggunakan uji One Way Anova, terlebih dahulu dilakukan uji prasyarat One Way Anova. Dua syarat yang harus dipenuhi agar bisa dilakukan uji One Way Anova yaitu sebaran data harus normal dan varians data sama (homogen). Apabila tidak terpenuhi, maka data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan uji Kruskal-Wallis.(lihat contoh)... >KLIK DI SINI

Senin, 01 November 2010


The remote and sparkling Mentawai islands sur­rounded by a splendid coral reef, are situated to the West of Sumatra, at the extreme western point of the vast Indonesian archipelago। The Mentawai islands are made up of the islands of Siberut to the North, Sipora in the centre, and the Pageh island-group to the South and have a surface of 6.011,35 square Km.

It takes days to reach the inland villages travelling by canoe and on foot in the tropical jungles। In spite of the weariness and discomfort, the traveller has the distinct sensation of being in one of most enchanting yet secluded places on earth.

Sir Thomas Raffles in 1821 had defined these is­lands as "the garden of Eden".

UNESCO has declared these islands to be a natural preserve.

These islands are covered by a rain forest crossed only by rivers and smaller waterways, which offer the means of inland communication. In addition to the water ways, there are dangerous and inextricable jungle foot ­paths which the people of the Mentawai go through daily with skill and agility that only nature can explain,

The majestic tropical jungle is the home of the most unique flora and fauna on earth : 60% of the mammalians are endemic, including four species that cannot be found in any other place on earth, among which the "beyuk", a large monkey and the "lutung", a black monkey.

These islands have a tribal population of 68.097, who are among the most interesting on earth: they are living in an old and primitive culture drawing their resources from the forest and knowing the secrets of living in harmony without disrupting the surrounding environment.

"Primitive" is the term most literally apt to describe the Mentawai people, who are unacquainted with time, unaware of sophisticated technologies and modern comforts and whose current way of life dates back thousands of year.

Their measurement of life is not by days, weeks and years but instead it is counted by their unique "seasons of life"; those being birth, youth, marriage, illnesses and death. The ascending to adulthood and marriage is often quick partially because of the Mentawai people's short life span.

While the people of the islands are truly isolated socially and economicaly, they are not at all barbarian nor have they ever practiced slavery or cannibalism. The Mentawai are born, they live and they die free. They are a calm people; peaceful and exotically refined, sociable and surprisingly amiable and hospitable. Com­pared to our material world, these people do not have possessions, in fact they show a serenity that makes one wonder whether civilization made a wrong turn some­where. The Mentawai people do not have many clothes and their bodies are adorned with detailed tattoos. These elaborate decorations confer a natural elegance and a rare fascination and represent for them an in­visible but fundamental and proper garb.

The designs on the body are works of art and vary according to the clan and village, the marks indicating where they belong and the tattoos are for the people a sign of strength, elegance, character and represent the different moments of the life of a person. The Mentawai "garb" is also rich with accessories, necklaces, bracelets, and the body is embellished with flowers and leave. The costume is extraordinarily elegant and the Mentawaians have a deep inborn and uncommon sense of esthetics and are a people of rare beauty.

The inhabitants live on hunting, fishing and gather­ing products offered by nature, feeding on fruits, sago a flour extracted from the trunks of palm tree। Here exotic dishes include their menu of meats of monkey, snake and bat.

Their houses (uma) are built up above the ground on bamboo and tree trunks. The huge canopy roof of palm-leaves will often shelter more than one family. Each dwelling also has a large veranda used for cere­monies and dances. There are whole villages where only children live. These have joined an elementary school. Their parents come once in a while to bring them food and to encourage the children to follow them into the jungle.

The Mentawaians consider the soul as a kind of spiritual counterpart of life, duly endowed with its own capacity of insight and movement, quite able to leave the body to meet the ancestors and lastly, to depart definitely from the body। Beyond their own souls, they also respect and revere many other forces of the spirit world; those conjured through the souls of ancestors, as well as those originating from animals and nature.

Only the kerei (medicine-men) can communicate with souls and spirits. In order to do so they carry out dances at night, and while the ancestors gather in an atmosphere of tension and mystery, the dancers fall into a trance; finally, when the dance becomes too intense due to the presence of super-natural forces, the kerei in­vite the ancestors to return to their abode.

The main ceremonies of the clans are called "Puli­aidjar". At the beginning of the "Puliaidjar", the souls of the ancestors are invited with sacrifices of pigs and chickens followed by an offering by the medicine-men of food, flowers and herbs, in one hand, and a small bell in the other, both used in an attempt to capture the souls. The medicine-men then begin to dance in a circle, leaping in the air and crying out lamentations, always in a state of ecstasy, to appease the ancestors. These scenes go on all night, accompanied by pantomines of animals and scenes of daily life with improvised dialogues.

The Mentawaians see the world in a state of balance, in a happy condition of total harmony and be­lieve that any abusive interference in the environment may upset this harmony. They thus feel compelled to constantly carry out ceremonies and exorcisms to ward off danger and live in peace.

Prior to cutting down a tree, killing an animal for food or tampering with an element of the environment, the people carry out a series of rites to explain to the spirit of the tree or animal that this is being done for a necessity.

A classless society, in perfect communion with the surrounding environment, with a strong sense of taking part in the life of others and a refusal to hoard; these are some of the features of the people of the Mentawai.

Catholic missionaries reached the islands at the beginning of 1950 and since then many Mentawaiians have become Catholics, but in their daily life they still honour ceremonies that stress the periods of life, animis­tic cults, primordial philosophic conceptions, superstitions and ancestral rites. However, these practices are blended with the Catholic pracices and Christian doc­trines introduced by the missionaries; and it is certain that their religious conviction of life is very strong.

The missionaries were able to overcome difficult­ies related to human and environmental factors, and succeeded in introducing a system of elementary education in the villages that has made and continues to make a considerable contribution to the development of the people and to the improvement of their living conditions.

Unfortunately, the more negative influences of the outer world have also changed the new generations' attitude toward the outer world and their cultural heritage. Their pride and dignity for their traditions are being transformed into shame and embarrassment, while they become ever more conscious of life in the modern World.

The psuedo-modern generation, unfortunately, go through a real drama: from the one side they no longer believe in their authentic traditions, on the other, they are being forgotten by the rest of the world।

In particular, the youngsters live a sad and hard reality of a dichotomy between their own civilization and the modern one, between the impossibility of a complete integration in time। Their future for now is to return to the forest where their limited education and knowledge will eventually become obsolete.

This situation has drastically widened the gap between the old and the new generations, giving rise to a situation of "limbo" for the new generations where their future is uncertain. The rejection of the tribal in­heritance, traditional values and practices, does not seem to achieve positive results. The outer world now has a responsibility for righting these people. There can only be hope that a solution exists that will not place their traditions, their dignity and their world in jeopardy.

Currently, however, the outer world is in a sad direction where the Mentawai's usages and customs are becoming pointless and are being placed as a low priority behind the greater motives of our consumer civilization. It is indeed a civilization that is dying out. An Eden in danger.

This process is advancing unrelentingly. We can only hope that a human, cultural and social promotion may bring about the consciousness of their dignity and lead them to re-discover and re-appraise their culture.

However, a yet more tragic aspect of life of the people, is not only tied to the disappearance of this culture but to the limited capacity of the people to control the high death rates.

The environmental conditions, health factors, lack of any form of precautionary measures and treatment, bring about pernicious epidemics and fatal illnesses; the average age there does not exceed 35 years and infant mortality is very high.

Medicine is practiced by the medicine-men (kerei) and they drive away evil influences which bring on sicknesses and strengthen the patients with herbs and exorcisms. A conception of magic in practicing medicine is still in use and a sickness is considered as a conse­quence of the act of evil spirits, as destiny or as punish­ment.

Daily confrontation with sickness and death set the medicine-men as central figures in the life of the villages, wearing unequalled costumes made from leaves and flowers, they take part in each moment of life: birth, marriage, exorcisms against curses and malice, and above all to treat and to heal. Their unending and surprising dances inspired by gestures and movements of animals, spaced by scenes of trance and frenzy, are meant to ward off the negative influences of evil spirits and to appeal to the good spirits, but unfortunately, medical herbs and ceremonies of the witchdoctors and the limited availability of modern medicines that reach the islands, are currently not enough to curb the epidemics that strike whole villages.

Without doubt, the civilization of the Mentawai islands is not inferior to the nearby and neighbouring civilizations in Indonesia: Sumatra, Celebes, Moluccas, Bali and Java but there is nevertheless a difference due to lack of information and cognizance.

The Mentawai islands are certainly gems to be dis­covered, and without doubt a proud part of the variety of races and cultures of which Indonesia is composed.

It is truly hoped that the Mentawaians will survive as a people and as a civilization, taking from our pro­gressed world the values and the means that will allow them to live in better conditions, without losing their identity and above all without having to feel ashamed of their history and of themselves.

Selasa, 14 September 2010


This vast region constitutes 21 % of the surface of Indonesia and is considered the last inaccessible frontier of the archipelago. Irian Java is on the Western side of New Guinea and is part of the second largest island in the world after Greenland, covering 414.800 square kilometres in surface area. The Province was transferred by the Netherlands to Indonesia in 1963.

For the most part, Irian Java is an impenetrable territory, made up of swamps and marshes, the thickest of jungle and imposing highlands crossed by rivers with rapids and spectacular waterfalls. This landscape is dominated by very high rocky peaks reaching 5.000 m. in height and which are covered by perennial glaciers. The Mandala is one of the highest peaks, then the Trikora and the Puncak Java, this last has a height of 5.000 m. and plunges headlong on the reefs of the Arafura Sea.

Beyond the (geography, Irian Java also features unequalled flora of orchids, ferns, lianas and age-old trees and is the habitat of more than 700 species of birds, among which the big Cassowary and the mythical bird-of-paradise. In addition there are a variety of mar­supials and dreadful reptiles, dangerous crocodiles and poisonous snakes.

Irian Jaya is the home of the most primitive and isolated populations in the world adding up to only 1,6 million inhabitants, with a density of only three inhabitants per square kilometre. This territory comprises of a distracting and colourful match of cultures and ethnic groups. Many isolated tribes such as the Sawuy, the Asmat, the Moni, the Ekari, the Dani and the Damal, rarely have any contact with the outside world and still belong to a primitive time where tribes fought each other with spears and arrows, practiced cannibalism and spoke completely different languages.

Among the groups that can be reached and who are being carefully studied by anthropologists and missiona­ries, is the tribe of the Dani, living in the Valley of Baliem. About 210.000 persons who have been able to keep their style of life and traditions unchanged, despite the pre­sence of missionaries and contacts with foreigners in these last years.

This culture is completely primitive; numbers, the value of money and art are unknown. Pigs and bones are considered merchandise for exchange and circulate freely as dowry for marriages, funerals and ritual feasts. These people live on agriculture and the breeding of pigs and measure their technological success from their elaborate system of irrigation.

The attire of the Dani is of the most astonishing and odd; the men are naked, covering their penis with an empty gourd of different sizes tied to the waist, called Koteka. The women wear skirts made from reeds or grass with the behind being covered by bags made of laces tied together to protect them from spirits who might try to enter their bodies. These same laces are also used to carry children or the harvest.

The unpretentious male attire is often adorned with feathers, leaves, flowers and multi-coloured make-up, the noses adorned with pieces of bone and boar's tusk and during festivities they wear a bodice made of pig-skin.

The Dani people live in the highlands of 1.700 m.; an altitude that records very low temperatures. To neu­tralize this problem they smear their bodies with animal fat.

One surprising fact is their family and sexual usages: men and women live separately one from the other and the relations between the sexes are very rare, in fact, there is a rule for the respect of sexual abstinence for a period of five years after giving birth to a baby; a practice that is still widely complied with and attributed to the will of the spirits.

Another group that can be easily reached are the Asmat tribe, who live in different physical conditions compared to the Dani. The Asmat live in swampy land which is continuously flooded, both by the rains and by the tides.

This hostile environment of dangerous crocodiles and reptiles is one of the reasons why the Asmat are nomads without permanent villages. They live by hunting, fishing and by eating herbs, shrubs, insects, lizards and sago (a flour extracted from the sago-palm, which is cooked in palm-leaves).

The Asmat who are well-known head-hunters are also gifted and talented sculptors.

Among the tribal masterpieces, one can find the Bisj or totems, vet tall tree trunks carved with crouching phallic figures, ceremonial shields, reproducing crocodiles and animals from the jungle, as well as elaborate canoes, with richly carved bows. Among their furnishings, there can still be found throughly decorated skulls.

Complicated rites stress the ceremonial cycle of the Asmat; among these a quaint ceremony for sexual purification, d ng which the women of the village deny their husbands upon their return from the forest, by flinging stoney and blunt spears. The practice of exchanging wives with the aim of strengthening tribal solidarity also occurs, with such exchange agreements sometimes lasting a whole lifetime.

Swift changes are taking place in several parts of Irian jaya and especially in areas nearer to the coast: the exploitaing of huge mineral deposits at Tembagapura or on Mount Bijih, where whole mountains have been stripped in a few years for the extraction of copper and gold: the discovery of vast oil-fields; the reserves of timber, thanks to the boundless forests that cover 75% of the region; and the wealth of its seas which happen to be the most abounding in fish in the world, are all factors that favoured the coming of multi-national enterprises with foreign capital and American, Japanese and Euro­pean technicians and engineers.

All this has, in a single stroke, thrust these isolated people into the bustling threshold of the moden age. In a few recent years entire infrastructures have been built with cities, roads, modern ports, air­ports, schools and hospitals.

The people of the highlands were abruptly in­troduced to planes, helicopters and other modern ma­chines, benefitting in part, by this flow of these modern pioneers.

However, all this has not changed the lives, the traditions, the customs and the tribal way of live of these people. In fact, both the Dani and the Asmat continue to live their traditional way of life; revering their ancestors and practicing warfare in homage to those warriors who have fallen in battle. The men wear unbelievably multi­coloured martial attire and are equipped with spears and axes and carry out wars that may last tens of years. Victo­ries can be celebrated with cannibalistic rites and abundant war-booty including bones, pigs and women. The presence of the missionaries has only subdued but not stopped this martial instinct.

From its side the Indonesian Government has pro­moted the martial arts and sports competitions with a view to direct and channel this instinct for violence, and has favoured a transmigration programme by bringing people to Irian Jaya from Bali, Java and other regions of Indonesia.

These contacts have not modified the primitive reality of the people, who are experiencing a drama of having to face cultures that are so very different from its own, without having the advantage of absorbing them slowly in the centuries and phases of passage, of which all the previous civilizations had benefitted.

Senin, 30 Agustus 2010


Sleep stimulating productivity

American people call it “catnapping”. In Indonesian it is called “sleeping poultry/Tidur Ayam”. For human being it is the time when she/he falls asleep intermittently. It is most enjoyable when done during the official office hours. According the definition, the duration must be short, say, a half of hour, a quarter of hour or even 5 minutes only.

Many experienced performers can be “vanished” effectively for exactly 60 seconds, and then wake up with fresh feeling. It is as if such falling asleep process is the antidote. It is noteworthy that such kind of sleep contains an extraordinary meaning, what trivial the feeling. Catnapping is so different, for example, from the longer-duration and habitual sleep. The sleep with one or two hours duration in the afternoon called “afternoon sleep” or “sieasta” according to the Mexican, is very different from this kind of sleep, catnapping have no rule.

The talented adherents can utilize immediately all opportunities and find the place anywhere to lie on or to sit down, or at least to be able to bow his/her head and immediately enter the God of Sleep kingdom.

For the beginner it is not so easy to do it. Catnapping need a certain skill coupled with the “ignorant” property deriving from the fully belief that it is not a sin. It even does not break the courtesy.

For this sleeping style, a capability of switching quickly from the waking up condition to the sleeping one is also required. And otherwise, the performer will not become “nervous” or loss balance, moreover looks tangled. The animal practices it, so do the young children, so that it may be something material. For adult losing or forgetting his skill of doing it, can quickly retrieve it, as long as he/she is willing to learn it. The techniques of mastering it get their meaning only in the wider context than its actual objective. Here before you can utilize the short term sleeping method, you should identify a little about the beautiful reward of a good short sleeping, for example, the practical problem from catnapping in the afternoon, the choice between Catnapping doing straightforwardly or disguisedly, and also about the presumption on the catnapping art that make you cannot sleep, how tired your are. This presumption should be abandoned. In other way, establishing the appropriate attitude is very essential for the beginner.

First of all, you should know that today (in this high technology age) there has not been an in-depth research about this type of sleep, so that it is difficult to obtain the actual secrete.

Or as mentioned by dr. Charles Fisher, a leading psychoanalyst pioneering many researches on sleep: “We still do not know why sleep can proceed very shortly, ranging from 10 to one minutes, can make many people refresh. There are clearly muscles loosing. Anything else? There may be the consciously thinking process stopped by it and this method removes anxiety. Or as have been found, sleep without dreaming helps the mechanism the function of which is to solve the problem. We had not recognized it. There is a large number of information about this deriving from the investigation on the other hand, the larger the number of information about this phenomenon, the larger is the number of material about sleep.

Suppose that Catnapping is a “trick”, such as swimming, riding bicycle or kiting, except if catnapping is the trick much more important than the other three examples. Catnapping can become the life safeguard because it can reduce stress, by becoming the “distributor” when you feel very sluggish or if the problem cannot apparently be solved anymore.

Do you remember that you make the last wrong decision because you are too tired? Is it necessary to occur? Most decision can be regressed for 20 or 30 minutes, the larger time opportunity to sleep intermittently. The need for “thinking” it as soon as possible means that the thinking process frequently functions better when we are in sleep condition than in waking up condition.

Furthermore, Dr. Fisher says that many Nobel Prizes are achieved owing to the Catnapping. He also says that many important ideas deriving from the dream or thinking activity during catnapping.

The most leading example is the case of a chemistry expert named Kekule. He dreams about a snake biting its own tail, so that its body forms a circle. It will immediately give him an idea about atomic structure in the closed circle form and resulting in a principle called “benzene ring” in organic chemistry.

Catnapping brings about the thinking clarity, provides 1001 alternatives of solution for problems, does not need extra fee or produce side effect, compared with all types of sedatives, muscles loosening medicines to alcohol. The satisfaction obtained from Catnapping is frequently more important than the argument that this action is inappropriate.

The experienced catnapping addict can be sunk in the slumber quickly in any position, whether lying down or sitting down uprightly, in light, crowded room and saw by many people.

This catnapping technique is very important for those who very busy and need sleep time while undertaking their task and obligation.

Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelet, the wife of former US American, Roosevelet, for example, is famous for its extraordinarily dense daily schedule. Mrs. Roosevelt may be called as the expert of catnapping. She can fall asleep in one minute while sitting down on the dinning table in a reception, and during attending the lectures, and she always wakes in the critical time before introduced to the attendee. Her greatest achievement is to fall asleep in the lift – say between the 30th story and the ground floor of a skyscraper building.

But, you will find difficulty to fall asleep like this, if under your consciousness there are voices stating that you are guilty if doing it when the whole word should wake up officially.

For example, a general argument that is later wrong states that afternoon sleeping disturbs the health night sleeping. If it does so, the cause is the idea that afternoon sleep is wrong. The afternoon sleep is not an sich, because people tends to have conservative and rigid perspectives on sleep. It is as if a type of commodity likes money or time. When the universe formed, human being was as if given quota to sleep for any hours in the night. Then, if the too tired people uses up a little proportion of that quota in the afternoon, he should pay that mistake by not sleeping at night. It is an argument that can be ensured will result in insomnia that having no strong foundation. Exhausting the sleep time does not reduce the sleep “stock”, it even increases it.

Other presumption of the afternoon sleep derives from the assumption that it is the bad habit that is inappropriate to do by people who just recover from diseases, pensions, film actress (called beauty naps in America), astronaut (who can be waken up any time by the surveillance station in the earth) and those who are not bound with our day work culture.

Nevertheless, almost all people do it silently. Catnapping is not wasting valuable time. But it saves time, because your task and work will be better and smooth, after your wake up, in other words, your productivity will increase. Moreover, with such life rhythm, how can the people not do that?

Then what is the technique to learn and master Catnapping.

You can choose the following technique. Choose after having meal, when the stomach is satisfied, it will generate sleep. Lie down, anywhere. You can also do it in the floor and use any thing proper as the pillow. If you are the beginner, open your shoes, loose your belt and other too tight part. In addition, you should not put off your clothes.

In order to give realistic circumstance in this exercise, do not turn off the lamp. Learn to use your eyelid as the total screen. Pay attention to the clock. It is very important, because in this way you as if make a promise to your self. With your closed eyelid now, never tries forgetting the problems pursuing you. What you should do is only to loosen your problem. Now imagine that you stop your self; as if you cease the film show to be continued a half of hour later. Instill in your self that you do not stop working for a day or a week but only a second. Assume that in your body there is a button showing “on”. At that time you turn the button to the “off” and then loosen all parts of body and concentrate on the respiration. After a moment, you can imagine black velvet sometimes; black velvet blanketing yourself. Now you had fallen asleep.

When you had mastered this technique and enjoyed the advantage, try to teach other.

Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010


As Featured On EzineArticles
The Pearl of the Orient

An extraordinary masterpiece of nature, famous since ancient times as a gem and pearl of the Orient and defined as an authentic garden of the East, Java is a fertile and luxuriant island, abounding in history, in myths, legends and with a fascinating cultural heritage.
The surface of the island extends to 119.780 square kilometres, and is covered with a superb tropical forest that often leaves space to green valleys divided into terraces for rice cultivation; and is crossed by a dense network of canals built during the centuries to ensure irrigation and drainage of waters and is towered by a chain of imposing volcanoes that gird it completely with a continuous threat of fire and destruction.
Its 121 volcanoes, of which 30 are active, are also the manna to this island and the true source of the extraordinary fertility of its soil as owing to the eruption of ash and lava, which benefit and replenish its lands with a nutritious blend of chemical fertilizers rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and nitrogen which, mixed by torrential rains and carried everywhere by monsoon winds, allow bringing in several harvests during the year; for its soil produces in fact an except¬ional abundance of plants and fruits of every variety and it can boast of having one of the most variegated fauna on earth.

The highest peak in Java is Mount Semeru (East Java) that reaches a height of 3,676 m. and towers over the entire area surrounded by adjacent volcanoes.
The most well-known of all, without any doubt, is the Krakatau, with its terrible explosion in 1883 which was one of the most devastating in seismic history; and the dramatic descriptions of that time remind us, of the chronicles on the last days of the cities of Herculaneum and Pompei.
A gigantic explosion discharged energies equivalent to a million times that of a hydrogen bomb, a blanket of ash darkened the atmosphere for eighteen hours, and the ashes of Krakatau fell on Singapore at about 840 kilometres away.
The cataclysmic explosion hurled almost 20 cubic kilometres of substances into the air and formed a column of detritus that reached a height of eighty kilometres, giving rise to spectacular sunsets from small particles of ash brought to an altitude of the stratosphere, and forming a kind of immense veil.
When the cones of the Krakatau collapsed into an enormous underwater caldera, a gigantic wave of forty metres devastated everything that was along its path. Coral blocks of 600 tons fell on the beaches while high billows reached Aden, at 3,800 nautical miles away, and the impact was felt also on the Australian coastline. Thousands lost their lives on the shores of Java and Sumatra and the villages and towns along the coasts were completedly depopulated; the inhabitants never returned to some areas, such as the peninsula of Ujung Kulon, which was turned into a national game preserve where the Indonesian rhinoceros, a rare species, roams in a habitat undisturbed by human population.
Forty-four years after the Krakatau frenzy, the son of Krakatau, "Anak Krakatau", rose from the sea where the old volcano blew up. This young island grows every year by several metres and from its birth has been the subject of research both by scientists for its flora and fauna as well as geological activities, and by tourists drawn by the fascination and mystery of its waters.
Java is also the country of one of the first human species on earth, the Homo Erectus or Java Klan, and has been inhabited since very ancient times and is today one of the most densely populated islands in the world. In the span of this century, its population has risen from 28 million to the present figure of 110 million inhabitants; among these five cultural groups can be distinguished, who are different one from the other.
The most numerous group is that of Central and Eastern Java known as "Kejawen"; the population lives in the region of the great Hindu and Buddhist temples and around the ancient Courts of the Sultans; these Java¬nese can boast of a sophisticated culture, their social life is based on a refined etiquette and on complicated and well-defined inter-personal code of manners; the most tangible expression of the importance of social status and respect for the position of others in relations between Javanese, is represented by the language, subdivided into three different levels: the low Javanese or "ngoko", a simple language used for dialogue between intimate friends, relatives or people of the same level; the high Javanese or "krama", a formal, elegant and refined language used in conversations with persons of high rank; and lastly, the middle Javanese, used by people in the cities or as informal language.
Between true Javanese, there is no room for spontaneousness or for truly confidential relations, nor for a neutral language, but, the language used maintains clearly the social status of the parties in dialogue and the respect due to them according to the circumstances.
The Javanese style is linked to rigid etiquettes which reject any expression of excess and any manifestation of sentiments or moods; and in this language even negative adverbs are not used, and in their place expressions and forms are used that may appear to a Westerner as positive affirmations or anyhow as interlocutory phrases.
The Javanese linguistic system is used, although less rigidly, by another cultural group, "the Sundanese", who inhabit the Western side of the island and who are distinguished by the strong attachment to the Islamic faith. Another cultural group easily identifiable, is represented by the "Tenggerese", a minority living along the slopes of Mount Bromo and Mount Semeru in Eastern Java, a people who after the fall of the Hindu Majapahit Empire, fled to the mountains, refusing subjection to Islam.
The "Madurese" deserve to be mentioned separately: they live in the nearby island of Madura and are a pugnacious people with a resolute character, who owing to the particular geographic position and dryness of the island, were compelled, since ancient times, to emigrate and find different occupations elsewhere.
The Madurese are able craftsmen and their colourful buffalo-races are well-known throughout the archipelago.
Another group is constituted by the "Pasisir", a people living on the Northern coast of the island and who in the course of the centuries had contacts with Malayan and Arab traders and navigators as well as others from other parts of the world; their frank and open style, without excessive etiquette is distinguishable from that of the pure Javanese; and the very gaudy colours of their batiks are different to the moderate colours used in Central Java.